Sunday, July 27, 2008

J-Man's weekend

It started with an I-Pod Shuffle.

Off to the shore we go!

To visit Papa and Nina

and our cousins.Kristian

and Hendrix

We had grinders at the beach, where we dug holes deep enough to find water.

We took silly pictures and movies.

I crawled into the empty kid pool with my I-Pod so I couldn't hear when I was called. Papa got in his car and drove around while Nina searched on foot. You could say they were a bit scared. Nina said to Ma, who bought the I-Pod for the J-Man? We all laughed.

We had chicken Alfredo for dinner followed by birthday cake of chocolate. We watched movies on the big screen TV, while we ate chips and candy. This morning we had pancakes and bacon while it thundered and lightninged outside.

We didn't get to go out on the boat, but I got to go to the store with Papa to pick out my new bike and helmet. It's a dark orange metal flake, real cool.
It was time to go home and we were all tired from having a good time.

Nina thought it was so cute me and Z2 had the same pj's. She thought Ma did it but we had to let her know I wouldn't change my mind on what I wanted. Z2 and Ma gave in. Cute, aren't we?

Tomorrow is my birthday. I know my dad got me a present and I know Ma is taking us to IHOP for my birthday breakfast. I don't know what IHOP is but I hear I'll like it.

And Ma made art...

while Boompa watched the and the on TV.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nina and Papa had a wonderful weekend with everyone even though Sunday was an inside day thanks to all of the "boomers." Next time, we'll go for a boat ride!