Tuesday, November 18, 2008

No Girls Allowed!

Off they go for a day in NYC touring the Intrepid...
Boompa, Z2 and JMan piled into the truck to meet #1son and #1grand for their journey down to pick up the Aussie Man who has been like a kid in a candy shop since the day this was planned.
I played invisible at home whilst the Aussie had her day planned out with drop-offs and pick-ups of her own.
Off the boys went and what fun they had on this cold blustery day...

These are pictures from the cell phone and of course! We have the JMan flying the medi vac and scaling the nets. He was quite proud to be one of the fastest people ever to come through and climb it.

Another photo op and another job! How does one fly the injured, scale the nets and captain the ship?

The boys had the camera and hand to capture what they thought was cool and interesting.

It's #1son and Aussie Man!

If there is a vending machine to be found...

JMan is there!
When winter is over and the flowers are in bloom, the boys will trot off once more to see the things they have missed and maybe, just maybe, JMan will have saved the $30 for the helmet he 'needed'!

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