Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Loretta IS a Marvel

Loretta is a mixed media artist and a writer. She writes a regular feature column, with artwork, for the magazine Cloth, Paper, Scissors on creativity and the artist's journey, always found in the back of the magazine. Although they save the best for last, I find myself drawn to her column first, knowing I will never be disappointed. She has been published in Somerset Studio, Legacy, and in the anthology, The Circle Continues, ed. by Judith Duerk.

She is a wife and mother, sister, daughter and a person I am glad to call friend. She has a strong sense of self, family and faith that can be seen in every piece of artwork, every written word she produces.

We are truly blessed to have Loretta join us as one of our teachers for Art-Is this fall.

Friday ~ Once Upon a Time

Saturday ~ Sow, Grow, Reap, Sleep: The Four Seasons of Life Mixed Media Self Portraits

Sunday ~ Bella Musa


pamelahuntington said...

HI Ellen.
What a lovely piece you
did about Loretta!

dime store daze said...